Tuesday, August 16, 2022

1/350 KM Labobar Papermodel

Built in 2004 by Meyer Werft GmbH, Germany, KM (stands for Kapal Motor, Motor Vessel) Labobar is PT. PELNI's one of the largest ship with the total length of 146,5 meter.

Also one of the largest papermodel i've designed (or even the largest not including some rifle papermodel i've scratchbuilt last year) as a commission work, the client only allowed the release of build progress photos and its tesbuild result so i can't share the model pattern.

a "blueprint" for the ship which i draw manually for some reason.
3D render of the ship on sketchup, i draw the details like window, railings, and containers later after i took the screenshoot.

build progress, i only took photos of the hull, forgot the rest of it.

testbuild result, turned out there's some fault on the model, already rectified though.