Showing posts with label interwar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interwar. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

[FREE] Mitsubishi Ka-14 / 9-Shi Prototype Papermodel

Mitsubishi Ki-14 (Navy designation Mitsubishi 9-Shi) is, to put it shortly is Mitsubishi A5M "Claude" prototype, a replacement for failed 7-Shi fighter design. Designed by Jiro Horikoshi as all-metal semi-monocoque stressed-skin monoplane of inverted gull form aircraft powered by a 600hp Nakajima Kotobuki 5 nine-cylinder radial and carrying two 7.7mm guns, the first Ka-14 was flown on 4 February 1935.
Another model from Argwenza Kainaka, he's pretty much co-authoring this blog as this point since nearly half of this blog content is his lmao, as usual it's a non-scale model, instruction manual and reference picture is already inside the PDF file.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

[FREE] 1/100 Mitsubishi B4N1 Papermodel

A single-engine carrier bomber aircraft completed in 1936 and designed by Takao Yoshida, this aircraft was Mitsubishi's response to Imperial Japanese Navy requirement to replace Mitsubishi B2M (type 89) bomber, this bomber ends up being a failure due to the lack of suitable engine and stability problems.

An obscure aircraft on the middle of already obscure Japan interwar aircraft design, this model is particulary hard to design because there's literally 1 (one) real life image of this aircraft as reference which i put as the cover for this post.


Thursday, February 10, 2022

[FREE] Mitsubishi 1MT Triplane Papermodel

Mitsubishi 1MT was a Japanese single-seat triplane torpedo bomber built for Imperial Japanese Navy Air Service for aircraft carrier Hōshō. Designed by Herbert Smith, 1MT1N first flew in August 1922 and entered service as Navy Type 10 Torpedo Bomber or Carrier Attacker. 20 aircraft were built, but the aircraft was difficult to fly and unable to operate from an aircraft carrier when carrying a torpedo. The type was soon withdrawn and scrapped.

Another Japanese aircraft model from Argwenza Kainaka, he didn't specify the scale but by comparing the wingspan of the real thing versus the model, maybe it's close to 1/79 or 1/80 scale.Well suited for interwar military aircraft enthusiast, especially for the Japanese one, it's a relatively easy model to build and the instruction panel is already inside the model file.



And this is the one where i tried to resize it to 1/100 scale (torpedo from Mitsubishi B4N1 pattern):

Monday, November 29, 2021

[FREE] Mitsubishi 1MF2 Hayabusa Papermodel

Aware of its aging fighter aircraft fleet, in 1927 Imperial Japanese Army asked Kawasaki, Nakajima and Mitsubishi to study a new fighter aircraft design. Mitsubishi team led by Nobushiro Nakata assisted by Jiro Tanaka and Jiro Horikoshi (who then in turn design A6M Zero) conceived a parasol aircraft powered by 600hp Mitsubishi Hispano-Suiza water-cooled V-12 engine, built around a metal frame covered in fabric while the wings was made of wood, the first prototype was completed in May 1928 with top speed of 196mph, the fastest of all design submission. Unfortunately the prototype fell apart in flight.
This is an other papermodel design from Argwenza Kainaka, he only specify it as a non-scale model, but by calculating its wingspan, i guess it is around 1/60 scale, the pdf file contains the model pattern and its instruction manual.

Designer note: "This model is actually a simple model. I'm so sorry for an inaccurate, or missing details."  
